Munich has got a unique ska&reggae community! The bands in the town regularly cooperate to create events and projects (such as the festival Offbeat Offensive and the project Pluma Negra in 2014). Now it’s time for this new joint venture called Da Capo Kollektiv. TulaTroubles played an important role with our Haykel composing the song for this project: BOMB.

Bomb has been performed by musicians of the Munich bands Troubadix Rache, Rapid, Schoko, BeNuts, Tula Troubles (L’Orenzo and Aleksandar) and by Tina Menger, who also wrote and directed this brilliant video.
The song was recorded by the team of Alex Hartl and David Kehrle. The video was filmed by the team of the Bavaria Film Studio München with the exceptional participation of Henner Quest.
Well Done, Da Capo Kollektiv!
