Release Date : 15. October, 2022

  Spotify – YouTubeApple Music

With the voice of Mery Diaz. 12 Songs, one backwards-travel through life.
Recorded and mixed in La Masia Studio, Barcelona
With the joyful artwork of Ercan Tuna

1. La Mort
2. À 40 ans
3. Perséphone
5. Amar
6. Les Consolations
7. Er am Stein
8. Reboot Babylon
9. Selde Hapsolmusuz
10. Changer d’Idées
11. L’école
12. Soundcheck Song (Bonus Track)



Mery Díaz Serrano – Lead Vocals

Haykel Ben Nasr – Guitar, Vocals

Burak Kılıçkıran – Lead Guitar, Vocals

Alessio Librandi – Trumpet

Nathalie Heider – Alto Saxophone

Stefanie Klampfleitner – Alto Saxophone

Olivier Provoost – Bass

Beni Lämmel – Drums


Francois Neveu (Vocal 10, 11), Marco Seibt (Electronic compositions), Kata Dumur (Electronic compositions) Ufuk Bakırdöğen (Clarinet), Soner Aksan (Percussions), Pep Pérez (Percussions),  Dr. Horsten (Growl Vocals), Miguel Jimenez (Chors).


Recorded, mixed and mastered at La Masia Studio, Barcelona by Josep Vilagut and Georgina L. Wolkowicz.

Pre Recording: Burak Kılıçkıran, Olivier Proovost, Marco Seibt.

Original Lyrics and Music by Haykel Ben Nasr – a part from:
Selde Hapsolmuşuz: Lyrics and Music by Burak Kılıçkıran
Amanecer: Lyrics by Alessio Librandi and Haykel Ben Nasr.
English lyrics adaptation: Alessio Librandi (03, 08), Olivier Proovost (03) and Gus ‘LeSclamb’ Vilches (01).
Spanish lyrics adaptation: Alessio Librandi (02, 04), Raquel Ruiz (01, 04, 06) and Mery Díaz.

Special thanks to: Midmen, Miguel Jimenez, Marco Seibt, Engin Gümüşel, Lorenzo Cairo, Yalın Alpay, Chivito, Joao Costa, Raquel Ruiz, Diego Cirrone, Armando Bramanti, Gustavo, the Gessners, and most of all to our families-wives-boyfriends-children for supporting us.


Artwork by Ercan Tuna